Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Does turning 40 really hurt that much?

This blog is inspired by a friend of mine's 40th birthday, which happened last week. He has never liked turning any age. I remember him proclaiming that he was "going backwards" with his birthdays from now on. He explained that he was going to go down a number every year on his birthday. He was in his early 20s at the time... he gave up on that idea a couple of years ago when he realized how close to negative numbers he was getting. Now that he is 40 he is unconsolable.

I'm turning 42 next month, and I'm searching for the ultimate question, to which the answer is 42 according to Douglas Adams (from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). So I will explore this question of turning 40.

So does turning 40 really hurt that much?

Some changes that you notice when you turn 40:

Q1- You are now called "wise". Didn't you used to be called "wise for your age"?

Q2- When did this happen? You don't remember getting "old". Does this mean you missed something?

Q3- The ultimate "bucket" jump: you used to be "35-40" now most quizzes and categorizations have you in the "40-50" bucket, or worse, the "40+" bucket. Is this fair?

Q4- Yes, your youth Has caught up with you. If you haven't been a fit, healthy fitness guru all your life... it's a bit late now. And if you don't try to get going soon... will it be even harder?

But the answers aren't that bad:

A1- Yes, you can now consider yourself "wise". Since you are older now, you won't get the odd looks from people when you demonstrate your wisdom... it saves time in convincing them to listen to you!

A2- Nope, you didn't miss anything because there was nothing to miss! Congratulations, you have achieved age without "getting older". The youthful attitude you have will last forever. Remember there is a difference between "being childish" and "being childlike". People who are childlike have the most fun, and are the most fun to be with!

A3- Buckets are never fair. They are the product of a marketing maniac bent on making you feel old. I say boycott all buckets.

A4- It's never too late to start moving - get up and go for a walk NOW!

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