Sunday, December 14, 2008

What is that white stuff?

Yes, it's snow. Yes, we're in Canada, so we should know all about this. But we're in Vancouver!

When we moved to Vancouver 10 years ago it was fascinating to watch the snow removal efforts of people here. They actually moved the snow into the middle of the streets! That way it melted faster. It was guaranteed to rain soon after the snow had finished landing, and it would all be gone in a matter of a couple of hours.

Yesterday it started snowing in the afternoon and it kept accumulating. The snow is still here now, the next evening, and will likely be here for a few more days. This is just not right.

Of course there are compensations, we live at the top of a rather steep hill, and our windows face the right direction for viewing this hill. The entertainment value of watching people attempt to drive up the hill lasts for quite a while. Just some clues for the clueless:

1 - When driving in new snow, use the busy, most travelled street, not the back alley! The best surface you can get is the travelled street.
2 - Slow and steady works. Spinning your tires in a blind effort to go as fast as your tires will spin wastes gas, makes ice under your tires, and will not get you anywhere quickly. Those cars that are going slowly are actually...going somewhere, unlike those with spinning wheels.
3 - Park the car on the side of the road if you're going to give up on it and walk away from it. Abandoned cars in the middle of the road are only good for bumper-car games.
4 - Stay home when it snows if you can. It's the smart thing to do, and you don't want to die of stupidity.

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