Thursday, February 12, 2009

So when will they get divorced?

There has been a TV commercial airing over and over endlessly with minor changes here and there for the last month at least. It's an ad for a dating service. It shows two people who met, fell in love, and got married.

Joshua and Tanyalee were made for each other, but didn't meet until they answered long questionnaires and were matched up by a dating service. It was a sweet story the first time I heard it. Then after the 30th time I heard it, I wondered why they had made a big impressionist painting together as a date thing. I also wondered why I had to see it so many times - it wasn't that good of a painting. As the days went on there were more and more annoying commercials with more and more details of their romance.

Do I care about Joshua and Tanyalee? Nope.

Do I want to see other couples that have been matched? Well, if it stops the Joshua and Tanyalee endless repeats, yes! They have one or two other couples to annoy us with, but they don't get as much air time.

Do I want to see Joshua and Tanyalee get divorced and off my TV? Yep.

Valentine's Day is typically the "break up" day of any unstable relationship. I think Joshua and Tanyalee should take this opportunity to stop the insanity and divorce.

I admit I may watch too much TV but I've had enough of these commercials! It was sweet at first, but now it's a canker sore and I want them to go away!

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