Monday, April 28, 2008

What was I watching?

Have you ever been watching a TV program and realized that you couldn't remember what the program was? You know you've seen at least 10 commercials in the last 5 minutes, and they were all annoying - even with the sound muted. But you can't remember what the program snippets they were showing between the commercial breaks were about.

I guess it's time to change channels. OK, actually it's time to turn off the TV, you aren't getting any younger, and this has sucked away too much of your life to begin with.

It is possible that the TV networks have found the tipping point where people will actually turn their TVs off rather than have to watch yet another commercial? The last time I gave up on whatever it was I was watching and went to read a book I was watching the Discovery Channel, I think. Yes, at least 3 of the commercials being shown were for the Discovery Channel itself, so that was probably what I was watching. Is this a ploy by some well meaning individuals at the Discovery Channel to get people to stop watching so much TV? Yeah, I doubt it too.

It is already so much more enjoyable to watch your favourite TV programs on DVD, the overwhelming number of commercials shown on regular TV could mean its demise. There are already many TV programs which have done the “straight to DVD movies” - essentially long episodes not shown on TV at all – which have sold quite well. I think it's a safe bet that TV networks are well on their way out of existence.

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