Thursday, July 31, 2008

What? No spreadsheet application on my MacBook?

After searching my MacBook, and then googling on the subject, I've discovered that my new computer does not have a spreadsheet application on it! Not even a light-weight one with minimal functions.

I may be in the minority, but I do have several spreadsheets I use and add to on a monthly basis, so I do need this type of application. I think since I have a few spreadsheets of 60+ connected sheets on the go that I can call myself a power user of spreadsheets. So a light-weight spreadsheet is not for me, but I'm not paying for MSExcel one more time...

So I've loaded Open Office (OOo) onto my MacBook. I was a bit worried after looking at several posts in blogs - was this still in Beta or not? I'm still not sure - but it has been working fine! It did have a bit of a hiccup the first time it tried to open a 60+ sheet spreadsheet for me, but the second time I tried it I had no problems... no satisfying reasons for starting the second time but not the first, but it works now, so I'm wary of it, but I can work with this.

I haven't tried other spreadsheet applications that work on the Mac, but I used OOo on my old Windows system as well, so there is no learning curve for me here. The transition to the Mac world has so far been easier than I expected.

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