Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why is shredding paper so enjoyable?

I'm volunteering once a week to help in the offices of the Vancouver International Writers and Readers Festival and I have to admit my favourite job is shredding paper.

There is something therapeutic about taking small sheets of dead tree with colourful squiggles on them, putting them into a machine that shreds them into smaller pieces of dead tree and then taking them over to the recycle bin and adding them to other pieces of dead trees. It's destructive, and yet, it's going into recycling, so it's not as bad as if it was going to landfill. A not-so guilty pleasure.

The other fun job today was rolling up huge - bigger than me - posters for bus shelter advertisements. You don't realize how big one of those things are until you try to roll them up!

Other than that, not much happened - I didn't even have to take a phone call. Not very exciting, but it may pick up as we get closer to the event.

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