Contemplate this sign, found on Vancouver Island, and you will find many questions come to mind.
Does the parent have such undeveloped parking skills that they could be labeled "infant" parkers?
Which parent is the worst parker, the female or the male?
What about same-sex partners with an infant, are they not allowed to park here?
What kind of parent would make their infant park? Can they even reach the pedals and the steering wheel at the same time? From the baby carrier in the back seat, no less!
This sign is similar to a handicapped parking sign. Does this mean an infant is a handicap? Do the physical abilities of the human adult decline to a point of handicap once procreation has been achieved?
Someone must have thought they were being nice to people with this sign, but were they really? Or were they just giving people a way to point out their inadequacies to the world with their choice of parking space?
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